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A member registered Mar 19, 2022

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To be honest, I thought it was just the author's idea. ))

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Dude, you should be ashamed. So much whining just because someone will receive updates 2 weeks earlier? Are you serious? 

Everything is fair enough. Nobody asks you to pay extra for the upgrade. You will receive it, in full, but only a couple of weeks later than those who considered it necessary to support the author with the same amount but monthly. 

The author might not have published this announcement here at all. Just upload a new update when the time comes. And then you would never know that someone else got this update before you and was satisfied?

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Also, I don't want it to look like a complaint. I'm really glad there's a sequel. But the beginning of the plot and the first location are a little unclear. I may have missed something important and would appreciate it if you could point me in the right direction, but what I saw was: 

Mezz returned home after the events of the first part. For some reason, he wants to find Scratch, but who he is and why he should be looked for is not explained. Ok, let’s go look for him, I didn’t find any clues where to find him, I can’t enter the bar, because Sctatch needs  something from the hotel (how can I know it, why in a hotel? but OK) at the reception I have to take some components for Scratch. I really don’t know who he is, and now I still have to take something to him ?! 

The huge map of the first location, a huge number of mpc's, there were expectations that we would have many different events in this location, but it turned out that all the events were only in the bar and one event in the hotel, which was a bit confusing. I hope that this is a reserve for the next versions.

Further, after talking with Scratch, I go to the island and immediately return. Is this a reference to the first part or was it supposed to be something separate, new? Also little bit unlcear from story point of view.  Further, after the victory over the hyenas, logically I should either return to Scratch or at least see some kind of story about the victory, of the consequences, but everything just ends up with nothing.

In any case, thank you so much for the great work you have done!

Regarding the datacrystal, may be I did something wrong, but I didn't find the difference. I have 2 datacrystal files from CS1 for 2 ends. I placed these files one by one in the www\js folder, but I didn’t find any difference in the gameplay or something additional, although I tried to explore all the locations, and as far as I know, there should have been at least one available event in a dark alley

Thank you for great quest. I spent time with pleasure reading this story

Is there any hope for a continuation of the game? It's a pity if such a wonderful story will be abandoned. Maybe something can help?

What wonderful news! Happy New Year and thank you for continuing to work on the next chapter!

We look forward to it. If you don't mind, I would like to offer some ideas. Of course, the general concept, maps and scenario are already readyб I guess, and perhaps all this is already planned or realised, but what if something comes in handy? 

I will rely on what was in the first chapter, because I don't know what can be implemented in the second. In a location like a club where there were also boars that did not show aggression towards Mezz, both neutral and bartender, it would be reasonable to see a change in their behavior depending on the state of Mezz, if he is in "slut mode", responses or actions can be others (dialogs or agression). for example, a "bartender" may send him on a false trail or to a trap, or ask for a favor or satisfaction in exchange for a response. 

Also would be nice to get some answers about the history of Mezz, where he came from, where the clips came from and why he resists boars. Who is behind hypnotic things and why. 

Maybe there will be some additional mini-quests that will not affect the main plot, but will expand it or lead to some bonus scenes or items? 

Never the less, looking at the maps, it is already clear that something amaizing is planned. Thank you for your selfless work!

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Great update!!! Thanks a lot! 

A few small bugs that I noticed. I will not pay attention to typos, it is not critical, as it seems to me. 

The ending in the slut mode is not clear. Additional scenes have been added (great!), however, during the fight, Mezz's HP changes to 950, and if Mezz dies, the fight starts again and may loop. Once I closed the game after 6 replays (the scenes with Diezel did not appear, there was just a fight again and again). 

Also in slut mode, Mezz can beat Diezel, but then the final scene is shown where Diezel fucks Mezz. Also, when the final fight in slut mode occurs after each additional scene in the action menu, all actions are replaced with the name of the scene (submit, I'm a good fucktoy, etc.).

Three boars next to the store shed remain visible only from the inside, they are not visible from the outside.

And you can at least hint, is it really possible to find "Jackoff spot"? ;) I couldn't find it in the previous version, and I can't now. 

Yes, you're right, in the storage shed, not in the warehouse. But I don't think it's all that obvious. For example, on this branch of the plot, I came out by accident. I forgot to look at the pier and immediately went to the guards of the stairs, where I lost and noticed that I didn’t take the flash dodge. Normally, there is no other boars alive when I come to the stairs. So, I will try to search, I hope I will lucky :)

I thought I beat the game inside and out. But it turned out that this is not so. I discovered that there are not one but three scenes in the warehouse! Thanks to the author. :) The plot of the game is far from being as linear as it might seem.

It turned out that some of the scenes with text that I saw in the resource files still became available, and some still didn’t come across to me in the game.

What other possibilities are there for the plot?

To be honest, Diezel was much easier to defeat than the stair guards.

yes, I did it twice. It is realy hard, but possible. even on lvl 11

I lost a couple of times to ordinary boars, not for the scene, but by accident, but nothing in the dialogues changed. They remained standard. 

If we take the whole general idea of the game, and the story from FA, then Mezz is perhaps the only one who did not understand what was happening to him for a long time, although the boars know everything perfectly and treat him accordingly, and are happy to use the opportunities. But according to the dialogues of the game, such changes are visible only in the dialogue in front of the stairs in case of loss. Otherwise, the dialogues are quite diverse, but do not reflect this idea. Maybe the trigger didn't work somewhere?

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How to get to this line and where exactly? In my opinion, I have already passed everything that is possible :) I even managed to defeat the boars on the stairs. Unfortunately it turned out to be only one rai in was really difficult. More often they won, but even then I did not see these dialogues. 

And, I understand correctly that Diezel doesn't use hypnosis during the fight with Mezz?

btw, in the location in the warehouse (where the bed is), at the top left I can see a room with three boars, but they can't be reached :)

One more questions ;)

Flash dodge - description is Focus and escape next attack. Is it related to normal focus and recharge the energy?

Often during the second hypnosis in battle, if this happens, Mezz will have a struggle icon, although this action was not chosen. What does it mean in this case and how does it affect Mezza? 

I also saw some dialogues in the resource files that I didn't see in the game (for example, the words of the boars "What's that smell?" and then two storylines) Did I miss something or are these preparations for future implementation?

Мaybe it would be better to do a reset not after, but before the battle? As far as I can see, bugs happen when several events occur at the same time, for example, Mezz came and the boar came. Or the boar came, Mezz came and was defeated because he had low HP. Apparently at such moments the logic of the game can go wrong. The last example, all three events happened in the battle in front of the stairs, and after the scene in the toilet, I rushed to choose an answer and started the battle again. Mezz started it in a Guuuh state (as he finished the previous one, because he came first theh boar came and then Mezz defeated), but at the same time there was active a hard knock and Guuuh in the action menu.

This is of course the exception, not the rule, but it can happen.

> The whole idea is that the boars aren't paying close attention to him, so additional dialogue/taunts wouldn't make sense.

I agree, but since a lot depends on random selection, it was often took for 3-4 turns, and invisible actions when the "missed" status was displayed on each turn. Additional dialogue in this case will at least add variety until Mezz returns to normal. ;)

Regarding HP this is realy complicated question. If Mezz prioritize the boar's pleasure over he's own, then he choose "Lets it happened". The boar cums and Mezz's lust grows, leading Mezz to cum too. It turns out a contradiction. Satisfying a boar, you involuntarily enjoy yourself, but if you cums yourself, you take damage. Player unable to control it. There is no choice during the battle to please only yourself or only the boar. At the same time, resistance only wastes energy, it can miss, but does not give Mezz an advantage, except for experience in case of victory. May be add a little extra experience in case of victory after resistance, and / or change the actions of the boar after resistance during the next hypnosis (other dialogues, pictures).

These are just ideas and thoughts. ;)

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Small bug report:

For unknown reasons, on the third or fourth map, during a normal battle, Mezz's image disappears, but appears when he is under hypnosis and disappears again for a normal state. 

Also, a few times after Mezz came, the sex scene is interrupted, but the status of being under hypnosis, pink mist, and "Guuuh..." actions, they are present in the action menu, and even moved to the next battle, where they disappeared, apparently, by the number of moves. 


The status/action of the Guuuh is not clear. It is clear that Mezz was fucked, and can't act for some time, but this is considered a move in the battle and can be repeated 2-4 times, till Mezz comes to normal. It's good that he is not being damaged at this time, because. he cannot answer, but he can then add some other actions of opponents that correspond to the moment, because they can somehow use his state, or at least text, if the game engine allows it (they look, or they think or planing or whatever).

Also not clear the logic of the process. The increase in life when a boar cums can still be explained somehow, but why does Mezz lose life points when he cums himself? It is clear that the rules of the game can be anything, but it would be nice to get explanations during the game in order to have a complete picture of what is happening.

Then it remains to be patient and wait for updates and continuation!

Patience is the hardest part. :)

I wish you good luck to continue your work!

If I understand correctly, Mezz does not realize and does not remember what happens with him during hypnosis? Except for the bad ending (but even there are also doubts as to how Mezz could be adequate in the current situation).

Will it be possible in the future, for example, depending on the decisions made, his conscious choice of action. After all, it can be used this as a new skill or weapon. Seduce and bite, inflicting damage or even completely defeating the enemy? ))

I also really would like to see additional art based on the game, even if it will not be possible to insert them directly into the game itself. 

BTW, what means "Delta" parameter in the "Experemental Notes"? Full memory errase after final defeating by Boss?

I made this account to comment on this game and say thank you!

Very interesting script, dialogues and implementation. And I hope the game will continue to develop and continue. It is clear that certain limitations are imposed by the capabilities of the game engine, but I would like to see more diverse scenes including M/M. A little more detail. There may be additional types of weapons, attacks or skills. 

A small note, during the battle, some system messages are displayed simultaneously and quickly and you don’t have time to read them. 

I really liked the different endings. But I didn't understand where the ear clips came from and what is the principle of their action. Maybe I missed the explanations during the game, but it's not clear how the boars use them to hypnotize Mezz.

I look forward to continuing!